Introducing Release Groups
Combine a collection FOSSA projects to create a release group to correlate one-to-one with your software releases. For access to Release Groups please contact

Review projects, issues, dependencies, and licenses across your entire release group.

Generate Attribution Notices combining dependency information from all included projects.

Version releases to monitor your software over time. Create an audit log and software bill of materials tied to an explicit release.

Other Improvements
New Dependency Edits
FOSSA released a new workflow allowing you to update “OR” (e.g. MIT-OR-GPL) license clauses to individual licenses (e.g. MIT, GPL), all while maintaining complete match data. In addition to highlighting the specific files that triggered an “OR” clause, you can now split licenses. This data will appear in a report as comma delimited list of licenses (e.g. MIT-OR-GPL 2.0 will now show as MIT, GPL 2.o).
To modify a an "OR" clause within the dependencies or issues tab simply:
- Click Edit Package (or View/Edit)
- Click View next to the License Group (e.g. MIT-OR-GPL 2.0)
- Click Split from Group
- Click Save

We have added additional support and improvements for CLI integrations with both Maven and Ant. For documentation please checkout our github repo.