User Management Enhancements

Updated User Role: Team Admin

In addition to the original Team Admin functionality, team admins can now delete projects in their team and manage users within their team. For more information on user roles please review this documentation.

New User Role: Global Viewer

A global viewer has the ability to see all issues and projects, but cannot modify packages, resole issues, upload new projects, or create JIRA tickets. For more information about available user roles please check out these docs

New FOSSA CLI Flag: Teams

Fossa’s dependency analysis agent (FOSSA CLI) now has a team flag. This allows you to upload projects and assign them to a given team via the CLI.

FOSSA December 2019 Release Notes - CLI Flag

New User Permission: Disable Invites

We’ve added the ability to prevent non-admins from inviting new team members to the platform. If you are interested in this functionality please contact

Attribution Reports

Updated: Dependency Information in Reports

We’ve updated the Dependency Information available in reports. For a detailed overview please review our documentation here.

Updated: New Plain Text Report Formatting

We’ve updated the Plain Text Report to include a more descriptive full license list. When <code>Full License Lists</code> selected the report will include a lists of licenses and the dependencies associated with the license: (see example below)

FOSSA December 2019 Release Notes - Plain Text Report